Thursday, March 2, 2017

Women's Travel Group to Chile & Easter Island with SITA World Tours

Chile & Patagonia
Add Buenos Aires Pre Tour 
Easter Island - Post Tour
November 6 - 12, 2017 - Main tour
$3,110 per person based on double occupancy - min 6 pax
Join our trip to Chile, continue to magnificent nature of Patagonia, and on to Easter Island.  Santiago is modern and a bit like Los Angeles: fine hotels, elegant architecture, wonderful food, a Spanish colonial past all washed down with crisp inexpensive wines. Patagonia is what nature should be: dramatic, pristine thrilling.There is wine tasting in Valparaiso. We will be part of a authentic day at a Patagonian ranch. Take the Buenos Aires pre-tour for a taste of Argentine culture. 
A direct flight away is one of the most intriguing places on planet Earth: Easter Island. Easter Island: the mysterious home of giant statues with spirits that seem to exist mid Pacific Ocean. Phyllis Stoller visited Easter Island this year to determine if it was fabulous or fake. IT IS FABULOUS.

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