Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Behold the beauty of New England & Canada from the sea.

Queen Mary 2,                          Quebec

Brilliant colors combine with idyllic seaside towns.

Soon again we will sail the awe-inspiring shores of New England and Canada, where lush foliage invites you to explore deeper into each seaside destination. Admire lighthouses and grand mansions, get to know the spirit of Canada's maritime history and wander historic pathways – always returning to the luxurious comfort of Queen Mary 2.

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Quebec, Canada

A Treat for the Senses.

you can choose an autumn sailing with us to New England and Canada as nature reveals her vibrant colors from various shades of yellow, orange, scarlet reds, purple, coppers and golds. This scenery, combined with the crisp, refreshing breeze makes the journey along the coastline truly one for all senses. Smell the fresh air, and listen to the birds inhabiting two of the Sept Isles of the St. Lawrence River – razorbills, Atlantic puffins, auks, and black guillemots call these sanctuaries home.

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Nova Scotia

Breathtaking Coastlines.

Off the east coast of Canada lies a group of large islands whose nearly 5,000 miles of coastline, panoramic vistas and stunning beaches will have you marveling at their magnificence. Here, we explore Sydney, the historic capital of Cape Breton. Centuries ago, Celts from Ireland and Scotland crossed the sea to make their home in Nova Scotia which translates as "New Scotland." To this day, fiddle and pipe playing, Irish folk songs and ceilidh dancing are part of the Cape Breton culture.

Explore Sydney, NS »

Peggy's Cove, Nova                                                  Scotia

Rich in History and Culture.

Boston is a city steeped in history, and yet always feels fresh and vibrant as you walk the Freedom Trail. In Halifax, Nova Scotia, stand beside the statue of the visionary Sir Samuel Cunard himself or, a bit out from his waterfront hometown, take a stroll through quaint Peggy's Cove, taste fresh lobster and snap a photo of Peggy's Point Lighthouse. Sailing into Quebec City arrive at the oldest inland port in Canada, where overnight stays truly explore this charming city's cobblestone streets and fortified walls.

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Celebrating #Cunard180

What a journey it has been so far! Follow us on Instagram to try your skills at our 180 anniversary quiz. You can follow us on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter too, or tag @cunardline with #Cunard180.

We look forward to seeing you there.

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