Sunday, February 14, 2021

Global Travel Update – Current requirements and restrictions for U.S. and Canadian passport holders

Kensington Tours
Global Travel Update: February 14th Edition
Current requirements and restrictions on travel

This weekly update is just a selection of the latest information on entry requirements and new restrictions. For a full list of destinations and each country's entry requirements for U.S. and Canadian passport holders, please visit our website.

The list of international travel destinations that your clients can safely travel to is ever-changing, so all outbound passengers should check with the U.S. Embassy or Canadian Government and their preferred airline before finalizing travel plans. And while the Government of Canada has strongly advised against non-essential travel, our Destination Experts are happy to help you craft trips for your Canadian clients departing later in the year and into 2022.

Be sure to read further for some inspirational Kensington Tours itineraries you can book now, risk-free for your clients.

This week's highlighted destinations:

  • Turks & Caicos: Open to Americans and Canadians with restrictions. Businesses close at 5:00pm daily. A curfew is currently in effect from 6:00pm to 6:00am daily until February 16, 2021. Restaurants at hotels and resorts can remain open for guests of the hotel and resort.

  • Bahamas: Open to Americans and Canadians with restrictions. All travelers are required to complete a health declaration form and upload a negative COVID-19 test issued no more than 5 days before arrival. All travelers will be required to present proof of health insurance with COVID-19 coverage during the completion of the health declaration form. All travelers must undergo COVID-19 and health testing upon arrival. On the 5th day after their arrival, they will be required to take a second COVID-19 test. Travelers staying longer than 4 nights will be required to take a rapid antigen test on day 5 of their stay (results within 60 mins via text or email).

  • Antigua: Open to Americans and Canadians with restrictions. All travelers arriving by air must have a negative COVID-19 PCR test result taken within 7 days of their flight (not required for children under 12 years of age). Health checks will take place at the airport for incoming travelers. Fill out an online health form. All arriving passengers will be monitored for COVID-19 for periods of up to 14 days. Curfew in effect from 11:00pm to 5:00am. Bars are currently closed until February 19, 2021.

  • Seychelles: Open to Americans and Canadians with a vaccine only. Traveler must show that they have taken the complete dose of the vaccine (for the 4 vaccines currently receiving heavy media exposure, this means 2 doses plus a 2 week wait after the second dose). Visitors need to submit an authentic certificate from their national health authority as proof of COVID-19 vaccination alongside a negative COVID-19 PCR certificate, obtained less than 72 hours prior to travel. Closed without a vaccine.

Important Note for Returning U.S. and Canadian Passengers:
  • U.S.: All American passengers over the age of 2 years must provide one of the following before boarding their flight back into the U.S.

    • A negative Covid-19 test result (PCR or Antigen) taken within 3-days prior to boarding.

    • Documentation of having recovered from Covid-19 and approved to travel by a doctor.

  • Canada: All Canadian passengers over the age of 5 years must provide a negative COVID-19 test result (PCR or LAMP) taken within 72-hours prior to boarding their flight into Canada. Returning passengers will also be tested for COVID-19 on arrival and will be required to stay in a designated hotel for 3 nights at their own expense until the test result is obtained. Those testing positive will be required to quarantine in a designated government facility for 14 days. Those testing negative will be required to quarantine for 14 days at their own accommodation. Travelers with no adequate place to quarantine will be required to quarantine at a designated facility.

Please review the full order for the U.S. on the CDC's website here. Canada issued a similar order earlier this month. Read here.

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