Thursday, February 22, 2018

❄️Go Polar with the World Leader of Luxury Expeditions

Do You Wish to Cruise Among Penguins or Polar Bears?
Visit Penguins in Antarctica
A very sociable animal, colonies of Chinstrap, Gentoo, and Adélie penguins live in harmony together along the icy shores of Antarctica. Even though they cannot fly, penguins glide through the water with the aerodynamics of a jet plane. Travel south to observe the life of a penguin.
Seek Polar Bears in the Arctic
As a symbol of the power and the fragility of the Arctic, the polar bear is a source of fascination for its immaculate fur coat, its calm elegance, and its mysterious aura. One distinguishing feature is that it is the only bear species that does not hibernate. Go north to see the polar bears.

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