Friday, September 20, 2019

Explore at the world's edge, in the Russian Arctic

Lindblad Expeditions -                                              National Geographic
RUSSIAN ARCTIC AND THE                                              BERING SEA
Remote and mysterious, the Russian Far East can be difficult to imagine. Our field correspondent Jennifer Kingsley spent 50 days there on recon and returned with unforgettable stories of a stunningly wild land and the fascinating people who live at the crossroads of old and new traditions. On our three itineraries, your client will call on far-flung places like the Katmai Coast, Wrangel Island, and the Pribilofs; search for abundant wildlife; encounter hardy locals; and discover dramatic history, both ancient and modern.
GET A SENSE OF THE                                              REGION
A LOOK AT LIFE IN                                              REMOTE PROVIDENIYA
EXPLORE MORE OF THE                                              REGIONS EPIC WILDNESS


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