Monday, April 26, 2021

First look! Brand-new adventures in Indonesia & Papua New Guinea

Go Farther: Indonesia                                              & Papua New Guinea

We are setting sail on two brand-new expeditions into a wildly interesting region we haven't explored since 2015. In these remote archipelagos, your clients will spot legendary Komodo dragons and search for rare birdlife—from the red bird-of-paradise to Blyth's hornbills. Dive into pristine seas bursting with coral and exotic fish and be welcomed into villages where people live close to their ancestral traditions. Have them join us aboard the 102-guest National Geographic Orion with a top-notch team of cultural specialists, photographers and naturalists to discover islands untouched by time.

Exploring Indonesia:                                              Bali, Raja Ampat and Papua                                              New Guinea
Singapore to Bali:                                              Exploring Jungles, Atolls                                              & Wildlife

Stunning Reefs                                                      and Incredible Photo                                                      Ops

Get magazine-worthy shots with the help of acclaimed National Geographic photographers David Doubilet and Jennifer Hayes in Indonesia's Raja Ampat, which they call one of the richest reefs on Earth.

See Photos >
Make it an Epic Voyage

These alluring expeditions are hard to choose from—consider combining them for a deep steep in a seldom-seen paradise. Life-changing experiences await, plus you'll save 10%.

Discover More >

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