Saturday, July 2, 2022

the Wild Tropical Heart of Central America

Lindblad Expeditions -                                              National Geographic
Up Close In                                                      Central America

Bridging the Americas and dividing the oceans is a narrow strip of land carved with rivers and draped in endless shades of green. Welcome to Central America, where life-sustaining biodiversity is the perfect setting for untold wild adventures. Have your clients join us as we return to Costa Rica, Panama, and Colombia—home of colorful birds and clamoring monkeys—where tropical wildness reigns supreme.

EXPLORE MORE                                                      >

FIND YOUR IDEAL                                                      COSTA RICA                                                      ADVENTURE

From mist-shrouded rainforests to colorful coral reefs, this vibrant country entices nature lovers with incredible opportunities. Discover what excites you most—whether it's walking through the Cloud Forest's magical canopy or exploring volcanic landscapes in Guanacaste. Our experiential guide will point you to the perfect adventure in this verdant paradise.

CHOOSE NOW                                                      >

COSTA RICA AND THE                                              PANAMA CANAL | 8 DAYS

Wildlife and Wonder Along a Modern Engineering Marvel


WILD COSTA RICA ESCAPE:                                              EXPLORING GUANACASTE'S                                              NATURAL WONDERS | 6 DAYS

An Active Adventure Through Diverse Ecosystems


PANAMA AND COLOMBIA:                                              EXPLORING THE CARIBBEAN                                              COAST | 8 DAYS

Experience Stunning Biodiversity, Remote Communities
and Vibrant Cultures


© 2022 Lindblad Expeditions. All Rights Reserved. Lindblad Expeditions and the Eye are the trademarks of Lindblad Expeditions, LLC.
© 2022 National Geographic Partners, LLC. All Rights Reserved. NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC and the Yellow Border are trademarks of National Geographic Society and used with permission.


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